A hot week in the UK for TechToby!

Hello! How’re you all? This week has been hot hasn’t it! (if you’re in the UK)

I’ve got to be honest guys I’ve been putting in a lot of work recently to my Football Youtube, I’m very surprised how well it took off. I managed to get over 20,000 views and jump up to almost 400 subscribers only after 8 videos, which is much better than my Tech Youtube. I’ve also been going hard in the gym recently, I was doing a lot of hybrid athlete training (running and weight lifting), but I injured my knee whilst out running so it’s just been weight training the past 1-2 months.

So that’s why I’ve been slacking making TikTok content recently and have only been uploading short videos (mainly skits). But… I’m making the big return back to usual content very soon (I’m waiting for a new wireless mic to arrive). I’ve been really struggling recently to balance my job, personal life, tech content, football content, a newsletter and now I’m even thinking about writing articles just to add something else in to mix 😄 I expect this will either be on Medium, Hashnode or LinkedIn - so stay tuned for that!

I’ve also had the thought of branching out my TechToby TikTok in to productivity, finance, personal development. I love Tech, and I’m sure you all do to, but… sometimes, there is other things to talk about, ya get me? What do you guys think about this? I’d love to know, DM me on Instagram if you think this is a good idea.

Productivity is a big one of mine that I’ve been focusing on. I’ve had to take a step back, lock in and rethink how I organize myself. I’ve been a huge fan of Ali Abdaal for such a long time but never really put principles in to my life to follow, but now things are changing and I’d love to share them with everyone.

Hope you all have a solid Monday tomorrow

Bye for now
